Call for Application: Fritz Stern Dissertation Prize

Bewerbungsschluss: 01.03.2025

Since 1997 the Friends of the German Historical Institute have awarded the Fritz Stern Dissertation Prize for the best doctoral dissertation on a topic in German history written at a North American university. Dissertations on all periods of German history, on German-American relations, on the history of Germans in North America, and on Germany's global engagements or diaspora of Germans are eligible.

Each year's winner is invited to present his/her research in May at the annual symposium of the Friends of the German Historical Institute, which will occur this year on Friday, May 9, 2025. The prizewinner also receives an award of $2,000 and reimbursement for travel to the annual symposium held in Washington D.C. 

Candidates are nominated by their dissertation advisers. Dissertations must have been completed, defended, and authenticated between January 1 and December 31, 2024. The prize committee will accept nominations through March 1, 2025

Advisers who wish to nominate a candidate can do so by sending an email to FritzSternDissertationPrize(at) with the following items:

  • Letter of nomination
  • Abstract (1-3 pages) of the dissertation
  • Digital version of the dissertation in "Reduced Size PDF" format

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