Bericht aus der belagerten Stadt Tschernihiw
Worldwide eleven
Institutes Abroad
About us
Max Weber Foundation is a legal entity closely linked to the German Federal Government located in Bonn. It comprises eleven humanities research institutes. The Foundation’s goal is to promote research with a focus on history, culture, economic and social sciences in selected countries and to promote a mutual understanding between Germany and those countries. The Max Weber Foundation is the only German research institute which is academically active abroad exclusively due to its programme of work.
Atlantic Aging: The Transnational History of Old Age, 1900-Present
Divan historique, Uwe Wittstock, Marseille 1940. Die große Flucht der Literatur
The Global Front: The Zionist Underground Organisations Abroad, 1944-1949
Calls & Vacancies
Call for Application: “Revolutionary, Disruptive, or Just Repeating Itself? Tracing the History of Digital History”
Call for Application: Kurzfristige Mobilitätsstipendien – Teilnahme an Konferenzen, Workshops und Kolloquien im Südkaukasus
Call for Papers: Infrastructural Turn. How Materiality Shapes Exhibitions about Difficult Pasts
Call for Papers: Echoes of Conflict. Health Consequences of War and Violence Across Generations
IT Support Engineer (DHI London)
Stellvertretende*r Direktor*in (m/w/d) des Max Weber Netzwerks Osteuropa und Leitung des Büros in Tbilisi/Georgien
Japan-Stipendien (DIJ Tokyo)
Redaktionsassistenz für unser dreisprachiges Online-Rezensionsjournal »Francia Recensio« (DHI Paris)
Scientific publishing with our platforms
New publications
DIJ Tokyo
Japanische Thomas Mann-Übersetzung zwischen Kulturheteronomie und Emanzipation
Nicole Marion Mueller