Project Database

The MWS project database provides an overview of current and completed projects at the institutes of the MWS and aims to make information on these accessible to everyone. It enables a search by subject area and subject. It is based on the selection of the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) adapted by the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek as the German specialised library for the field of history. It is also possible to search by country (states existing today) and major epochs. The database includes dissertation and habilitation projects that were funded, for example, as part of a scholarship, as well as the institute's own and third-party-funded collaborative projects.

The search results are sorted chronologically in descending order, starting with the project with the most recent start date.

The project database aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the thematic breadth and diversity of research at the institutes and research groups of the MWS. Information on current research foci of the institutes can be found on the respective institute websites.

DHI Paris
Biographie von Friedrich-Wilhelm Krüger (1894–1945)
Projektbeginn: 2013
Projektende: 2014
Antragsteller/-in, Sprecher/-in, Projektleitung: Nicolas Patin
beteiligte Personen: Nicolas Patin
Themengebiet: Geschichte allgemein
Ort: Deutschland, Europa
Zeit: 1894-1945
Epoche: Neuzeit