Institutes Programmes

Please make applications for scholarships and other support as well as queries on individual programmes directly to the institutes.

DFK Paris

German Forum for Art and History Paris

Sponsorship: Scholarships for doctoral students and postdocs in the field of art history and related disciplines in the humanities and social sciences; internships; study courses; German-French Colloquium on Art History; award for curators

Areas: History of art, the scholarship tender takes place within the framework of a theme set each year

Payments: Rates/month: from € 560 to 2,000

Period of residence: variable

Hôtel Lully
45, rue des Petits Champs
75001 Paris
Phone +33 1 42 60 67 82


Website of DFK Paris

GHI London

German Historical Institute London

Sponsorship: Research fellowships for doctoral and postdoctoral students; Visiting Postdoctoral Research Fellowship with the Institute of Advanced Studies at University College London; annual postgraduate conference for British doctoral students researching German or British–German history; Medieval History Seminar in co-operation with the German Historical Institute Washington DC; summer school for students at German universities; prize for outstanding dissertations in the field of German, British, and British-German history

Areas: History, for interns also library science and administration

Payments: Rates/month: from € 2,200 to € 3,000; € 1,000 dissertation prize

Period of residence: maximum of six months; for internships four to eight weeks (in the library up to three months)

17 Bloomsbury Square
London WC1A 2NJ
Great Britain
Tel. +44 (0)20 7309 2050


Website of GHI London

GHI Moscow

German Historical Institute Moscow

Sponsorship: Scholarship for doctoral and post-doctoral projects on German history; scholarships for junior researchers; scholarships for research projects; short scholarships for work in Russian archives; annual research scholarships for doctoral or post-doctoral projects; internships; prizes for outstanding diploma theses and candidate dissertations on German history or German-Russian relations

Areas: History, for interns also information management / library science

Payments: Rates/month: from €1,000 to €2,700; for internships travel expenses and accommodation

Period of residence: Maximum six months; internships six to eight weeks

Voroncovskaja ulica 8/7
109044 Moscow
Russian Federation
Tel. +7 495 730 52 49


Website of GHI Moscow


DHI Paris

German Historical Institute Paris

Sponsorship: Eugen Ewig Fellowship; Research Start Fellowship; Gallia Fellowship; Mobility Fellowship; Resident Fellowship; Excursions (Munich for Medievalists); Specialised Language Course; Karl-Ferdinand-Werner Fellowship; Internships

Areas: History, for internships research, library and administration

Payments: Rates/month: € 2,500 for post-doctoral researchers, € 2,000 for post-doctoral students, € 1,500 for doctoral students and € 1,200 for Master's students; € 450 Euro for full-time and € 250 for study-related internships

Period of residence: Depends on research project and programme. Further information:


Hôtel Duret-de-Chevry
8 rue du Parc-Royal
75003 Paris
Tel. +33 1 44 54 23 80


Website of GHI Paris



DHI Rome

German Historical Institute in Rome

Sponsorship: Postdoctoral positions of 3+2 years for the epochs Middle Ages, Early Modern Age, Modern, and Contemporary History as well as for Music History; scholarships (research scholarships, travel scholarships, and scholarships of third-party funding); the Ludwig and Margarethe Quidde Fellowship; internships (academic area, library, administration); the study course Rome

Areas: History, history of music, internships also in the library/administration

Payments: depending on programme

Period of residence: depending on the research project; internships six (research) to twelve (library) weeks

Via Aurelia Antica, 391
00165 Roma
Tel. +39 06 6604921
Fax +39 06 6623838


Website of GHI Rome




GHI Warsaw

German Historical Institute Warsaw

Sponsorship: Scholarships to support research in the field of Polish, German-Polish and Polish-East Central European history that requires a stay in Poland respectively Lithuania or the Czech Republic (academic research and long-term scholarships); internships in academic and administrative fields as well as in the library

Areas: History and related disciplines, further library studies and administration

Payments: Rates/month: € 1100 for doctoral students; € 1600 for post-doc fellowships; € 300 for internships

Period of residence: one or more months; internships at least six weeks

Pałac Karnickich
Aleje Ujazdowskie 39
00-540 Warszawa
Tel. +48-22-525 83-00
Fax +48-22-525 83-37


Website of GHI Warsaw



GHI Washington

German Historical Institute Washington

Sponsorship: Doctoral and Postdoctoral Research Fellowships; Research Fellowship in Asian-Pacific History at the Pacific Office, UC Berkeley; Research Fellowship in Latin American History at the Pacific Office, UC Berkeley; Fritz Thyssen Pre-Dissertation Fellowships for Students in German & European History at West Coast Universities; GHI Fellowships at the Horner Library, Philadelphia; Guest Scholars Program; Senior Fellowships at the Pacific Office, UC Berkeley; Long-term Visiting Fellowships in Washington; Binational Tandem Fellowship in the History of Migration at the Pacific Office, UC Berkeley; Gerda Henkel Fellowship in Digital History; Prizes: Franz Steiner Prize for Book Manuscripts in Transatlantic History; Fritz Stern Dissertation Prize; Internships for students: Research, Public Relations/Communications, and Public Administration Internships; Postgraduate and post-doctorate scholarships, transatlantic fellowship programmes, young scholar seminars, archive courses, prizes for academic works and dissertations

Areas: History and related fields

Payments: depending on the funding programme

Period of residence: Short-term support (1-6 months), Long-term support (6-12 months), for internships usually 3 months

1607 New Hampshire Ave NW
Washington, DC 20009-2562
Tel. +1 202 387 3355


Website of GHI Washington D.C.



GIJ Tokyo

German Institute for Japanese Studies

Sponsorship: Scholarships for PhD students; internships; visiting Scholar programme for senior scholars

Areas: Humanities, economic and social sciences

Payments: Rates/month (based on German Research Foundation rates): € 2,400; flight costs

Period of residence: three to max. twelve months

Jochi Kioizaka Bldg. 2F
7-1 Kioicho
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0094
Tel. +81 (0)3 3222 5077
Fax +81 (0)3 3222 5420


Website of GIJ Tokyo

MWF Delhi

Max Weber Forum for South Asian Studies Delhi

The promotion of young academics is currently being developed.


53 Lodi Estate (Ground floor)
Council for Social Development (CSD)
Building K. K. Birla Lane
New Delhi 110003
Tel. +91 114 150 033 7


Website of MWF Delhi

OI Beirut

Orient-Institut Beirut

Sponsorship: Fellowship programme for postdocs and PhD students; internships; mentoring programme for research staff

Areas: History, Oriental and Asian Studies, Iranian Studies, further regional Science in Humanities and Social Science, librarianship and administration

Payments: Rates/month (based on German Academic Exchange Service rates): € 1,200 for doctoral students; € 1,900 for post-doctoral students, € 450 for internships

Period of residence: Depending on the research project; internships of at least 6 weeks and a maximum of three months (voluntary internship) or duration according to examination regulations

Rue Hussein Beyhum 44
Zokak el-Blat
P.O.B. 11-2988
11072120 Riad El Solh
Tel. +961 (1) 359 423
Fax +961 (1) 359 176


Website of OI Beirut

OI Istanbul

Orient-Institut Istanbul

Sponsorship: Scholarships for Ph.D. and postdoctoral students; internships; doctoral colloquia

Areas: History, Oriental and Asian Studies, Turkology, Ottomanistic and Iranian Studies, further regional research in Humanities and Social Science, librarianship and adminstration

Payments: Rates/month (based on German Academic Exchange Service rates)

Period of resicende: depending on research project; internships at least 6 weeks to a maximum of 3 months

Orient-Institut Istanbul
Şahkulu Mah.
Galip Dede Cad. No. 65
34421 Beyoğlu – İstanbul
Phone +90 212 293 60 67

Website of OI Istanbul

CBO Beijing

China Branch Office

Sponsorship: China Travel Grants; Gerald D. Feldman Travel Grants

Areas: History, Social Sciences

Period of resicende: depending on programme

Max Weber Stiftung
China Branch Office
Zhuzhong Hutong 56
Xicheng District 100009 Beijing
VR China
Tel. +86 10 64 05 37 95


Website of CBO Beijing