Networking Fellowships of the Max Weber Foundation

Every year, the Max Weber Foundation announces two fellowships for its employees. The fellowships serve to qualify the employees and promote networking among the various MWS locations (institutes, branch offices and central office).

The fellowships offer academic staff the opportunity to conduct research at other MWS locations. The funding is limited to a maximum of three months. It can be used for stays at one and max. up to three locations (e.g. archive and library stays, preparation of cooperation and third-party funded projects).

For employees in research services or science management, the fellowships offer the opportunity to gain relevant experience at other locations for up to four weeks and to use it for their work at their own location (e.g. application measures and training, possibly also in connection with language skill acquisition).

In this way, the networking fellowships offer incentives for the institutes to network even better within the Foundation through the temporary secondment of their employees or to improve their administrative and management processes through the exchange of best practice models.

The MWS Networking Fellowships are advertised annually in October.



Dr. Johanna Beamish
Tel. +49 (228) 377 86-25