Refugees in Global Transit. Encounters, Knowledge, and Coping Strategies in a Disrupted World, 1930s-50s
Winners and Losers? Britain and Germany after the Second World War
(Cold) War Games: scenarios on Both Sides of the Iron Curtain
The Birth of the Refugee Figure in the 1970s
The Max Weber Foundation leaves Platform X
The central office of the Max Weber Foundation will end its activities on Platform X (formerly Twitter) on 24 January 2025.
Report über Desinformation und Trust von OPERAS veröffentlicht
OPERAS, die Forschungsinfrastruktur für open scholarly communication in the social sciences and humanities, hat einen Bericht mit dem Titel „Fostering Trust in the Digital Age“ veröffentlicht.
Statement on the situation at the Orient-Institut in Beirut
Trauer um PD Dr. Andreas Hilger
Statement by the Max Weber Foundation on the...
Magdalena Saryusz-Wolska becomes Director of the...
Aussprache des Stiftungsrates zur Wissenschafts-...
The Podcast
Knowledge Unbound Episode 21 | December 13th 2024 | Language: german
#21: Alltagsgeschichte jüdischer Migration
In this episode of ‘Knowledge Unbound’, we talk to Ruth Leiserowitz from the German Historical Institute in Warsaw and Viola Rautenberg from the Berkeley branch of the German Historical Institute in Washington about different facets of the history of Jewish.
Both academics are interested in the everyday history of migration. While Ruth Leiserowitz focuses on the migration of rabbis and how they supported their communities in the new places of arrival, Viola Rautenberg uses so-called counterfactuals as sources. These old melodies with new texts telling the story of how the migrants fared in their new life situation.
What did a rabbi have to do with Coca-Cola? What situation awaited Jewish migrants in Palestine? What can songs tell us about the changing gender roles in migrant communities?
Knowledge Unbound Episode 20| October 23rd 2024 | Language: german
#20: Kapitalismus und Moral: Historische Perspektiven auf Markt und Staat
In this episode of ‘Knowledge Unbound’, we talk to Jürgen Finger from the German Historical Institute in Paris and Lars Döpking from the German Historical Institute in Rome about the history of capitalism and how states have tried and are trying to regulate the markets.
While Jürgen Finger is researching France and the Paris Stock Exchange in the 19th century, Lars Döpking in Rome is investigating the new economic policies that were discussed in Italy at the end of the 1970s in order to save the country from ruin.
How did France manage to regulate the illegal markets in the 19th century? What measures did Italy take in the 1970s? What role did economic research institutes play in this? What can we learn from the past for today's markets and crises?
Knowledge Unbound Episode 19 | June 26th 2024 | Language: german
#19: Kriegsgefangenschaft im Siebenjährigen Krieg
In the current episode of our podcast "Knowledge Unbound", Denis Sdvizkov and Leonard Dorn give us insights into the topic of captivity during the Seven Years' War from 1756 to 1763. Leonard Dorn uses mostly administrative documents to examine the dynamics of change in the field of captivity as a prisoner of war. Denis Sdvizkov uses field reports to take a look at Russia during the Seven Years' War, at captivity and at Russian cultural history. How did the hierarchical Society of the 18th century affect captivity? How were officers and soldiers treated? Did the phenomenon of captivity only emerge in the early modern period? Why is the topic of captivity relevant again today and what can we learn from it?
Weltweit vor Ort 02/2024
Weltweit vor Ort 01/2024
Weltweit vor Ort 02/23
Weltweit vor Ort 01/2023

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