Rue Hussein Beyhum 44
Zokak el-Blat
P.O.B. 11-2988
11072120 Riad El Solh

Tel. +961 (1) 359 423
Fax +961 (1) 359 176

Facebook @OIBeirut
Instagram @orient_institut

Orient-Institut Beirut


The Orient-Institut Beirut (OI Beirut) promotes research in the humanities and social sciences with reference to the Arab world and the wider Middle East. Research at the institute is interdisciplinary bringing together Islamic and Arabic Studies, History, modern and Islamic art history, Anthropology, and Sociology of West Asia and North Africa. One of the aims of the institute is to study the Middle East through its regional and global entanglements and to foster exchange with local and international institutions. Being an academic hub for researchers, the OI Beirut offers doctoral and postdoctoral fellowships that are advertised yearly.


1961 (by the Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft)



Areas of research

Interdisciplinary, historical and contemporary research; Arabic studies; Islamic studies; historical studies; modern and Islamic art; social anthropology; political science and sociology


The library of the OI Beirut contains over 140,000 items and 158 current journals.

Fellowships and Prizes

Fellowship programme for postdocs and PhD students; internships; mentoring programme for research staff


Public lectures, conferences and workshops, exhibitions and podcasts

Branch office

The OI Beirut has been organizing events and developing research projects in Cairo since 2010.



The fourth and fifth episodes of the " Knowledge Unbound" podcast:

Episode 4: Transnationaler Wissensaustausch: Arabische Studierende in der Sowjetunion und der DDR (Transnational Knowledge Exchange: Arab Students in the Soviet Union and the GDR)

Episode 5: Die Rückkehr der arabischen Studierenden aus dem „Ostblock“: Nachwirkungen des transnationalen Wissensaustauschs (The Return of Arab Students from the "Eastern Bloc": Aftermath of Transnational Knowledge Exchange)