Zukünftige Vergangenheiten. Geschichte schreiben im Anthropozän
Worldwide eleven
Institutes Abroad
About us
Max Weber Foundation is a legal entity closely linked to the German Federal Government located in Bonn. It comprises eleven humanities research institutes. The Foundation’s goal is to promote research with a focus on history, culture, economic and social sciences in selected countries and to promote a mutual understanding between Germany and those countries. The Max Weber Foundation is the only German research institute which is academically active abroad exclusively due to its programme of work.
Raise, Reuse, Recycle: Global History and Marine Salvage in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century
The Liber de Pomo from East to West
Insular Manuscripts in Carolingian Francia (in and from Germany)
Calls & Vacancies
CfP: Beiträge für die nächste Ausgabe Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken (QFIAB)
Call for Papers: The Art of Organizing Work: Structures, Procedures, and Economies of Craft Workshops in the Early 20th Century (DFK Paris)
Call for Papers: 30th Transnational Doctoral Seminar: German History in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
Call for Papers: 16th Workshop on Early Modern German History
Karl-Ferdinand-Werner-Fellowship (DHI Paris)
Gerda Henkel Fellowship in Digital History (DHI Washington)
Doktorand*innenstelle (DFK Paris)
Praktika für Studierende (m/w/d) der Geschichte, Musikwissenschaft oder Digital Humanities (DHI Rom)
Scientific publishing with our platforms
New publications
DIJ Tokyo
Japanische Thomas Mann-Übersetzung zwischen Kulturheteronomie und Emanzipation
Nicole Marion Müller
DHI Warschau
Jewish or Common Heritage? Appropriation of Synagogues in East-Central Europe...
Christhardt Henschel / Ruth Leiserowitz / Kamila...
DFK Paris
L’expérience sensorielle dans les expositions d’art au XVIIIe siècle
Dorit Kluge, Gaëtane Maës und Isabelle Pichet...
DHI Paris
DFK Paris
Künstlerlexikon zur französischen Landschaftsmalerei des 19. Jahrhunderts
Hans-Peter Bühler
DHI Paris